
Here are some snapshots of the workshops and projects I've done with young people.

Seeing Sense

Working with young people from Derry, Northern Ireland, I designed and built the first app ever to be used as part of a National Curriculum. Workshops were held with young people of Derry, and some of their work was incorporated into the App. It was in use for more than 10 years without the need for upgrade making it an example of sustainable software development. I'm told it won many awards, but I have no record of these as I was focused on Nurse training after the project.

Seeing Sense Prejudice Suitcase


Citizen Science

In 2018, when I was a Community Organiser with I facilitated a series of Galway based Citizen Science Workshops, in conjunction with Youthwork Ireland, NUIG, Galway City Council and Galway Environmental Network. I was later invited to talk at the finale Do It Yourself Science event in Brussels to be a guest on a panel discussion, with a member of the European High Commission in attendance.

Youthwork Ireland PublicLab workshop

Youth Work Ireland Citizen Science

Public Labs Youthwork Ireland Citizen Science


Lesson Plans

While coordinating a Scoil Chroi Íosa I taught gardening,  I designed and delivered lesson plans in line with the National Curriculum.  They are currently pending a Creative Commons copyright license before I make them open source and available to all.



  • The Blackrock Dragon

    A detail from the first of Bernard's Dragon's of Galway series. For a glimpse of the Longwalk Dragon check out his Instagram @bmgartbox.

  • Celtic Wheel Calendar

    Technical illustration based on an ancient Irish seasonal annual time tracking methodology.

  • Nike

    Mythological Greek Goddess of speed, strength and victory.

  • Boann (Bóinn)

    Ancient Irish Goddess of the River Boyne, daughter of Delbáeth, of the Tuatha Dé Danann.

  • Fighter Mushroom

    Submission for an online "Character Design Challenge".

  • Airmid's Tears

    Character concept. Member of the ancient Irish Godlike race; An Tuatha De Danann.

  • Camogie Brigid

    Character concept. Modern depiction of Brigid, member of the ancient Irish Godlike race; An Tuatha De Danann.

  • The Red Imp of the Otherworld

    An Imp is a European mythological being considered to be troublesome and mischievous.

  • The Golden Monkey's Right Hand