About Bernard
Bernard McGlinchey is a native of Co. Donegal, Ireland, and grandson of well known basket maker, Michael Kelly. Bernard won Designer of the Year when he graduated from Letterkenny Institute of Technology, and went on to create award winning design projects, such as "Seeing Sense, Prejudice Suitcase" in Northern Ireland.
The next step in his journey brought him to Galway to train and work as a nurse. His passion for recovery and resilience led him to yoga teacher training with Green Lotus Yoga, and exploration of meditation techniques in India. The connection between health and food inspired him to work on many food gardening projects including coordination of Transition Galway’s School Garden for 5 years.
As an educator Bernard has taught wellness and design to a variety of age groups and abilities.
bmgartbox is his place of ideas.
Email: bmgartbox@gmail.com
Socials: @bmgartbox
bmgartbox ~ "breathe, move, create."

Bernard in Lotus on fingertips.