Logos by Bernard

Cosain Logo
Recent branding and website design work, for a community based mental health charity; cosain.org.
Farmlab Logo

An identity that has stood the test of time, farmlab.ie is an animal diagnostics company based in Galway, Ireland.

Mapping Logo
Workshops for environmental mapping. 
Gort an Stioicin Logo
For Pat Keady, a Connemara based vegetable producer and collaborator of MG Creative.
Hoolpla Troupla Logo
Contemporary Circus troupe.  Bernard is an active member, currently in training, and seeking viable insurance prices. Hoopla Troupla Facebook Link.
A beautiful retreat and yoga space in Scotland. CalmSpace Facebook Link.
Forest Moon Logo
Horticulture and landscaping company. forestmoonplants.ie

Galway Environmental Network Logo
A network of environmental organisations.
Balinafoile Castlegar Neighbourhood Centre Logo
Community centre in Galway.
Let's Get Galway Growing Logo
A collective of Community Gardens. Bernard was a member while volunteering at Scoil Chroí Íosa Garden.
Galway Soup Logo

Charitable organisations fundraiser event, organised and facilitated by Bernard with Galway City Partnership and Temple Cafe. Galway Soup Facebook Page Link.

Unfurl Logo
Alternative & Holistic Health Service by Helen, based in Scotland. Unfurl Instagram Link.
Galway Yoga Space Logo

Galway based yoga studio.

  • The Blackrock Dragon

    A detail from the first of Bernard's Dragon's of Galway series. For a glimpse of the Longwalk Dragon check out his Instagram @bmgartbox.

  • Celtic Wheel Calendar

    Technical illustration based on an ancient Irish seasonal annual time tracking methodology.

  • Nike

    Mythological Greek Goddess of speed, strength and victory.

  • Boann (Bóinn)

    Ancient Irish Goddess of the River Boyne, daughter of Delbáeth, of the Tuatha Dé Danann.

  • Fighter Mushroom

    Submission for an online "Character Design Challenge".

  • Airmid's Tears

    Character concept. Member of the ancient Irish Godlike race; An Tuatha De Danann.

  • Camogie Brigid

    Character concept. Modern depiction of Brigid, member of the ancient Irish Godlike race; An Tuatha De Danann.

  • The Red Imp of the Otherworld

    An Imp is a European mythological being considered to be troublesome and mischievous.

  • The Golden Monkey's Right Hand